Our favorite bookstore displays

Last week, McNally Jackson in New York City put up a cheeky book display entitled “Goodnight Nobody: Existentialism for Babies”. Not only did the display include classics like Goodnight Moon, Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Little Prince, and Oh, the Places You’ll Go (which all merit Wikipedia entries), but it also included Cozy Classics: Moby Dick!

Cozy Classics McNally Jackson

Here are a few more of our favorite book displays. First, a photograph of a book display from Hello Hello Books in Rockland, Maine, which provided the first ever piece of evidence that Cozy Classics had made it out into the world.

Cozy Classics - Hello Hello Books

And here are two photographs from our hometown of Vancouver, Canada, showing the first independent bookstore (Dandelion Kids) and chain bookstore (Chapters) to carry our books.

Cozy Classics Dandelion Kids


If you ever see our books on a store shelf or in a book display, in any corner of the globe, please take a picture for us and pass it along!