Category: Google Doodle

Video of Holman’s talk at IV15!

Interesting Vancouver is a fascinating gathering of the curious and unexpected. More than another “sage on the stage” lecture series, Interesting Vancouver is an event that celebrates the uncelebrated, expands the collective vision of what is uniquely possible, and gives people an opportunity to discover interesting new creative pursuits they can apply in their own lives. Holman had the very… Read more →

We Doodled For Google!

We are out-of-our-minds thrilled to be Google’s guest Doodlers today! February 7th, 2015 marks the 148th birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder, best known for Little House on the Prairie. We have commemorated Wilder’s birthday with a Doodle that tries to capture the essence of her Little House books — wide open terrain, austere living, simple amusements and the love of… Read more →