Oops! Pride and Prejudice Printing Error

It has been recently brought to our attention by astute readers that there is a printing error on the back of a recent edition of Cozy Classics: Pride and Prejudice. As you can see from the picture below, the synopsis on the back of the book is actually the description for Emma. This error affects the third printing of Pride and Prejudice, and the publisher is rushing to re-print books to correct the error. Also, the publisher is preparing stickers with the correct description for books already distributed and sold. If you have bought a copy with a printing error and would like a sticker or two, please write to info@mycozyclassics.com with your name and address.

Hey, maybe the books with the printing error will become collectors items, like the Inverted Jenny US postage stamp from 1918!

Cozy Classics - Pride and Prejudice Back cover (printing error)
